Prototype Experiment: Mapping Your Healthcare Journey

[one_third]This article was originally written at Pivot Design Group, a Toronto-based user experience and communication design firm.[/one_third][two_third_last]I had a lot of fun with this "make belief" healthcare project with the team at Pivot... we identified a problem and then brainstormed a solution to see what we could come up with if there were no project barriers to get through. Read on to see how it unfolded...

This Prototype delves into the world of healthcare.

Sally's Questions

What if…

What if I had a way to keep track of my health records with my physicians?We began the process by brainstorming a list of the pain points that arise when managing sessions with your various healthcare professionals. Here are some of the top concerns that came up:

  • I don’t know when my last annual physical was
  • I have no idea if I need to be screened for certain cancers (should I be concerned about this?)
  • My doctor doesn’t have a whole lot of time so I feel like I’d be wasting their time if I call them with questions

From this we formed a solution…

Initial sketch of the Healthcare Timeline

Sally's Healthcare TimelineEarly sketch of the personalized healthcare timeline and screenshot of the health timeline solution as a video prototype.

Wouldn’t it be great if…

Wouldn’t it be great if a health timeline app could map out my past, present, and future health appointments to keep me and my healthcare team informed of what’s up?

  • I’d be able to keep up to date on my latest check-ups and vaccinations
  • I’d be able to input my information so the app could tell me when I’m due for screenings (based on provincial guidelines)
  • I’d be able to schedule appointments directly through the app
  • My doctor(s) can update the app directly with any information so that are both always on the same page

Through a series of rapid brainstorming sessions, we refined the concept and finally formulated a script, storyboards, and visuals for the video motion piece. 

Watch the video prototype

Pivot Prototypes: Mapping Your Healthcare Journey from Pivot Design Group on Vimeo.


For more information and other helpful links on this topic have a look at these:



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