Crochet: Nursery Mobile
[one_third]If you know me, you know I've always got my eye on crafting something new. But ever since I first taught myself how, almost 10 years ago!, crochet has always been my "fall back" craft. So when we settled on a sea monster theme for Bobo's bedroom I had it my head that I would make a mobile.[/one_third][two_third_last]At first I wasn't sure how or with what medium of craft but soon with the months/weeks/days of my pregnancy dwindling down the mobile was pretty much the only thing left to do. So of course I thought, "Let's not over do it. Let's just crochet something and get it over with." And at first it was a struggle to get the size of the little jellyfish right and figuring out just the right amount of twist in the legs was a chore but, really, as I kept at it it seemed only natural for me to fall back on my early crochet amigurumi ways. <-- you can definitely see my progress over the first few projects of my crochet career at this link!Though I didn't end up finishing this little masterpiece in time for Bobo's arrival — in fact I didn't get time to finish it until 3 months later! — I am super happy with the way it turned out. Funky jelly eyes and all.As a matter of fact, I might even modify the scale and make one or two for the shop... any takers?