TD Insurance AI: Service Design Concept

Responsibilities: Project Lead, Worksession Facilitation, Interaction Design & Concept Design
Project completed while at Pivot Design Group

In 2015, well before the age of influencers and AI, the TD Insurance team was looking for a new perspective on their market research findings. Notably, they were looking for a way to make their existing research more tangible for project teams and to answer the key question: How can TD make their Insurance offerings more relevant to their customers? Enter a Service Design Research approach…

Service Design & Concept Design

After a thorough review of the marketing research and a worksession with TD project stakeholders it was determined that cross-promoting insurance services was of the utmost importance. The question remained… “A customer doesn’t know what a customer doesn’t know…”

Almost a decade before AI and years before the age of social media influencers, the concept design that was created revolved around the idea of multimedia and multiplatform blogging about life events as they relate to insurance needs through the lens of different “people like me” avatar/persona lifestyles. The blog content would show customers what else they could be using from the TD Insurance suite of services as well as the way that bundling services would offer premium benefits. The blog would use AI to surface relevant content and insights to the customers.

A concept design, this project involved storyboarding a “what if” scenario to imagine the world as it could be in order to help product teams break out of their small siloes and see the bigger picture. This concept project helped to kickstart and inspire many projects under the TD Insurance umbrella.

Benefits of iterating through sketch for a new Interface Design

The benefit to sketching the concept in this iterative way was that it allowed for:

  • Designers to visualize the research in a tangible way for stakeholders

  • Project team members to co-create with designers and researchers to piece together something meaningful and of value (without spending too much time or budget)

  • User experience to lead the content and interaction design by removing the rigidity of brand guidelines (as a concept design, TD brand standards did not have to be adhered to.)


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